Big enough to cope, small enough to care 
Alec Cameron 
Independent Financial Adviser 

What our clients say... 

Alec met with us both initially to guide us through our options and give expert advice on the most suitable option for our specific circumstances. At a hugely difficult time for both my husband and myself, his friendly and sensitive approach was hugely reassuring. Following my husband’s death, he has been an invaluable support around any financial issues I have had. Our meetings are not daunting - as I anticipated they could be - but more like meeting a friend who is also an expert. 
Carol F, Kent 
Excellent advice over the many years that Alec has been advising us. He understands our needs and helped us develop a diverse portfolio given our attitude to risk. His advice is becoming even more important now that retirement is approaching in the next few years. Has also helped with planning savings for grandchildren. 
Chris T, Middlesex 
What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser? 
The world of pension income and dealing with pension companies is a complete minefield to us. So it was a real necessity to obtain the advice and assistance of a professional financial adviser. 
How has Alec Cameron helped you? 
He has contacted and dealt with both our various pension companies, something we were getting nowhere with on our own. He has set up our pension drawdowns and advised us on which funds to leave in place and which should be moved. He has advised us on the most tax efficient way to deal with our other rental incomes moving forward. 
Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for? 
We plan to start drawing down on our pensions in the new year (2023). So I can only say that, what we have seen that has been put in place for us is actually better than I thought would be possible. 
Roger F, London 
Explained everything very clearly and was patient when I struggled to understand complicated pension advice. Alec at no time came across pushy or as a salesman which I appreciated and knowing he had advised and earned the trust of a good friend of mine, I was more inclined to be open minded and have more trust than I would with a normal financial advisor! 
Justine G, Berks 
Given the demanding nature of Information Technology, I often have very limited time to focus on financial planning and so needed the support and guidance of a professional in this area - in much the same way that customers come to me for advice with their IT infrastructures. I first spoke to Alec when I was starting to branch out as an IT specialist with very limited knowledge of all the tax efficient pension and savings options. This was very much the early days of financial consultants and before the term IFA even existed. I needed someone I could trust to guide me through the myriad of options available - both good and bad! I immediately struck up a rapport with Alec and as a Scotsman I thought this is person that will look after my money and help it grow. Over the years we have established a friendship that you don't normally see outside of your close circle. I feel that we have grown together in our own respective fields of knowledge. Neil B, Kent 
I have known Alec for over 25 years and would recommend his services to anyone looking for independent, impartial financial advice. Over the years, he has given us protection advice when we were securing a mortgage, investment advice for my wife's lump sum and recently retirement planning (pension). His knowledge is outstanding, however why I continue to recommend him, is his ability to step into 'our' shoes and get a true understanding of our position before offering any advice. 
Atul P, Essex 
What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser? 
I wanted to get some advice regarding whether or not taking early retirement was viable based on current pensions and assets. 
How has Alec Cameron helped you? 
Alec went through the paperwork for all my assets and took considerable time to meet with me both in person and online to establish my individual needs before he started to look at options. 
Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for? 
As a result of Alec's financial advice I have been able to leave my current employment and in the New Year we will be working on a longer term plan for my continued financial stability for the next tax year onwards. 
What could they have done better? 
I genuinely can't think of anything. All of the service was clearly explained and at all times I felt that Alec's priority was to provide the best service to meet my individual needs. 
Karen H, Kent 
Alec provided expert advice and guided me through the process from start to finish and is continuing to support me going forward. 
Lee B, Essex 
Alec looked at my current pensions to help me understand what was possible with those schemes and then, after a review of the market, suggested a new provider who could offer much more of what I was looking for. 
Freddie D, London