Big enough to cope, small enough to care 
Alec Cameron 
Independent Financial Adviser 
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Click on this text to edit it.I was asked this question this week and to be brutally honest, I hadn’t thought about it. Of course, I am aware of ChatGPT, it seems that most people I know have had some sort of interaction with the free service and I can see how there will be some industries that will already be using it to its fullest. 
But how it will affect my business and the current services that I provide my clients? I can’t see right now how it will make an enormous amount of difference to what I do. I am not being naïve and I obviously read the current industry pundits and listen to what they suggest is coming. What I can tell you after 34 years of being in this industry is that clients want a personal service. Not only do they want a personal service, they expect it and in my opinion, so they should. 
I met with a potential new client this week. Having had an initial meeting on Zoom, we agreed to meet face-to-face to have a more detailed investigative meeting. The difference between a Zoom call and a face-to-face is like chalk and cheese. Once we had developed a rapport in the meeting, she felt confident to discuss her hopes for the future and what her retirement plan might look like, depending on what the financials were. This client was a referral from an existing client, so the data is there but that relationship with my current client that spans over 25 years isn’t and the bot can’t yet capture that. 
Based on her reactions to some of the suggestions made, I was able to offer a range of possibilities and also some guidance on the day in relation to cash and ISA investments. 
I am sure in the future as AI learns about human characteristics, reading body language and tone of voice, it may be able to interpret the situation too. My understanding however is, that it’s not quite there yet. Therefore, the role I am able to offer my clients is still relevant and appropriate for the advice they are looking for. 
I am sure I will still be working for a good few years yet, maybe not 5 days a week like now. I imagine as AI grows, so will my understanding and use of the opportunities it represents. I am also sure my young family will show me how it’s used in school and in the workplace, so it’s likely to be impossible for me not to engage in AI going forward. 
I’m old school, I like someone to answer the phone and talk to me, I like to meet with a human and have a conversation and I hope that never changes. 
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